Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy January!

Hello! We are off to a flying start!  So far this year we are learning about tens and ones in math.  Your child needs to be able to start counting by 1s and 10s from any number between 1-120. For example, start at 43 and count forward by 10s. Start at 101 and count backward by tens. They need to understand how a 100s chart works and be able to use that information to fill out a section of a 100s chart when it is taken out of the whole chart.  They need to be able to use the 10s rods and the 1s cubes to show different numbers.

In Language Arts, we have just finished up an assessment using opinion writing.  The students had to read a Time for Kids and create their opinion on What gifts the Rain Forest Plants give us that is the most important.  Then they had to back it up using evidence from the text. WOW! :)

In science we just finished Sun and Stars and are moving on to Land and Water.

The Boosterthon Fun Run is January 30!!  Sign up Pledgebooks will come home tomorrow. They are in their mailboxes ready to go.  If you go on to the website (funrun.com) and use the code 9209-9028 to register, your child will receive their first prize of a bracelet just for registering!

No formal spelling test this week due to the short week.  We will be having a review test over sounds and words we have already worked on...Words will not be coming home but rather a check to see how they are doing.

Please don't forget to keep working on those Fry Word Lists!  Lena, Tanis, Bri, and McKenna need some more names to join them on the 400 Star!!!